Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ladies: How To Know If You Are A Hoe

Lately a lot of women have been asking me, how are you suppose to know if you're Hoe? So me and my research team (A4One) sat down and had a deep discussion on the matter. 

Finally, after several minutes of thinking we came up with a scientific, error proof, and irrefutable method for determining if you are definitely and indefinitely a Hoe.
With this equation we proved over and over again someone was a hoe.

 Number of years sexually active DIVIDED by the number of partners.

# Of Years Sexually Active
# Of Partners

If the number of partners exceed the number of years you've been sexually active you are without a doubt a HOE.

Here's the second equation for those who can't divide...

# Of Partners   # Of Years Sexually Active = HOE or WHORE.

But wait, just wait... for those who thought they escaped this equation and ran around the house screaming... "YES! I'm not a HOE".

If and when (cause you will) reach double digit in partners guess what?...You Guessed it, you're a HOE.

So at this rate, if you started having sex at 16 and continue to with 2 partners per year by 21 most women will be Hoe's and/or Whores. This is why older men get them while they're young.

Hoe of Hoes...Kim Kardashian.

Contrary to popular belief most men are not hoes...


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