Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Your Fav website Photo Calling

Here you can find out if you're hoe or whore for those of you who like proper english... look for the title.

Also feel free to send me photos of fat women in tights or leggings as i am doing a series on them. Yes it will be rude, wrong, and ridiculous. But, someone has to do it why not me?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What a Week in November!

Joe Frazier RIP

Conrad Murray PRISON

Heavy D RIP

What a week we're having in the "Black Community"... we're losing legends rapidly. It's crazy because we take so much for granted, but in an instant life or your freedom could be taken without notice. Who knew this week would be full of loses that we cannot comprehend. The shock and awe of these deaths and this conviction I think will wake some of us up. Life is short and we can only control our reactions when you really think about. Live, Love, and Leave. RIP Joe and Heav. Y'all did good! Conrad you did bad.


Monday, October 24, 2011

NBA Lockout

I have never been the biggest fan of Bryant Gumbel, but after these comments I have gain a tremendous amount of respect for the man.  Finally someone who has the platform is voicing what has been blatantly obvious throughout the NBA in the last decade. 

I know every thinks... "most jobs have a dress code", " every company has a code of conduct",  "you get paid millions  you can afford it". True, but what other major sport has these same rules in play? Seems like the more blacks in the sport, the more need for it to be controlled by white overseers. This is the same rhetoric the Klan preaches and depicted in the "The Birth of a Nation" 

The double standard is painfully obvious to point its not fair. Its clear there is an agenda to separate the NBA and hip hop culture and with the insertion of all these new rules it clear who's in control. 

This lockout has been annoying and is very unnecessary if you ask me. The micro management definitely needs to stop. Now the NBA has done some good things like implementing classes to educate players on finances, getting rid of the goons some hang around, and partying safely.

Thats where the good stops, now focus on getting this season in play. I'm tired of Sportscenter without hoop highlights.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nike Retro

Above are 2 of my hail grails of shoes. They area definitely in my top 5, but Nike has yet to retro these and  I don't know why. The blue Junior Seau were my fav in '94 when I was a pup in grade school just learning of name brand shoes.

Sad the way those kids talked about my newly acquired Kmart Steel toe boots. Bastards kids can be so cruel...I digress, but definitely can't wait for these to make a comeback. I'm definitely in line for these...



KANYE WEST to drop a "G.O.O.D. Music" album next spring. If it has a hit anything like "Christian Dior Denim Flo" i'm definitely on board. The song has been bumpin' in my ride for the last 6 months. I play that just as much as the new hits. 

So be on the lookout. Who knows what Masonic, Illuminati, or just weird reference this may have in it.


Thursday, October 13, 2011


I believe in one true God. I know a lot of you claim to be pursuing God, go to church on sunday, and forget to practice what was preached throughout the rest of the week. Love, just to love, Give, just to give, Praise, Just to  praise.  I ask all of you so called "Uber" religious people this...

How would you really act if there was no reward (Heaven) for your actions?

Would you hate everybody just cause they're not like you? Would you condemn them because they pray for another religion? Would you look down upon them cause they don't live the way you do? Would you burn a cross in front of their house cause they're a different color or have a different culture?

Most would live the heathen-ous life they currently live, but I'm sure at a greater, more deadlier pace. If there was no religions or some type of belief system to keep us in order this world would be in complete ANARCHY. I don't go to church every sunday, I don't believe God is to be sought to a certain extent. I was put on this earth to be productive, constructive, and to help others. God knows what I do and sees me through my purpose. I understand God has a lot to deal with and we can go without troubling God with self inflicted wounds that we can handle. If we can't, rest assure cause he will see you through it.

So don't question me and my motives on life and religion. I do everything out of the kindness of my heart. 

Can you honestly say you live life from the kindness of your heart or is it the system of reciprocity that keeps you going? 

Once again...  Give, Just to Give, Praise, Just to Praise and Love, Just to Love.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thats It I'm Getting Married in Mexico...

This is the best idea ever for the true Jet Setter, but ultimately it fails the kids. If my woman wants to renew her contract she better "Do what the Fuck I say" or she's a free agent...come to think she may not want me after 2 years.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ladies: How To Know If You Are A Hoe

Lately a lot of women have been asking me, how are you suppose to know if you're Hoe? So me and my research team (A4One) sat down and had a deep discussion on the matter. 

Finally, after several minutes of thinking we came up with a scientific, error proof, and irrefutable method for determining if you are definitely and indefinitely a Hoe.
With this equation we proved over and over again someone was a hoe.

 Number of years sexually active DIVIDED by the number of partners.

# Of Years Sexually Active
# Of Partners

If the number of partners exceed the number of years you've been sexually active you are without a doubt a HOE.

Here's the second equation for those who can't divide...

# Of Partners   # Of Years Sexually Active = HOE or WHORE.

But wait, just wait... for those who thought they escaped this equation and ran around the house screaming... "YES! I'm not a HOE".

If and when (cause you will) reach double digit in partners guess what?...You Guessed it, you're a HOE.

So at this rate, if you started having sex at 16 and continue to with 2 partners per year by 21 most women will be Hoe's and/or Whores. This is why older men get them while they're young.

Hoe of Hoes...Kim Kardashian.

Contrary to popular belief most men are not hoes...


Monday, September 26, 2011

KDAY Fresh Fest 2011

Had an awesome time partying and hanging out at the KDAY Fresh Fest Concert Saturday night. From local greats to mainstream artist it was truly an amazing show. Rocking to sold out venue was 2nd II None, Young Buck, Mack 10, WC, Twista, E-40, Game and the Featured artist West Coast Chronic. 
 KDAY Stage

 E-40 Killin'
 Game Goin in...
 Game Posing 
Rappers E-40, Kendrick Lamar, and Lakers Joe Smith
 Rappers Game and Young Buck
Game and Young 
Buck again goin in on G-Unot!!

This place was filled with the stickiest of Icky. It was everywhere I think some of the LAPD was selling it along with AEG. I swear you had to have at least an ounce to enter. Overall the performances were great and everyone had a good time partying to some West Classics. Tribute to Nate Dogg by E-40 and Tupac courtesy of Young Buck infused and energized the crowd in addition to the already epic performances. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Havasu: A Love Story PT. 1

As promised, Part 1 of our ignorance...

We All Try...or do we?

Loving this song right now. Represents me in so many ways: Beliefs, Strength and Struggle. 

I Question everything at this point in my life and to hear this song helps a lot of the time with the One thing i'm NOT suppose to Question (according to some) RELIGION, makes absolutely no sense. 
As of now it warrants nothing but interrogation.

But i'll leave those who don't engage in discourse about anything (especially religious beliefs & practices) in the cocoon of ignorance they so enjoy. 


Monday, September 19, 2011


The month of September had been a deadly one. It seems like I keep getting calls from people telling me someone else died. I'm at the point where I don't want to answer the phone anymore. From cold murder to    cancer, death seems to be catching everybody... but life goes on.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Women and Their Damn Hearts...

So I recently spoke with a friend who's been out of a relationship for a few months now, but so eagerly  jumped into another one. (scrrrrrr) 

One thing I've notice (observed) with a lot of women is you never give yourself time to heal or re-discover who you are as a person. 


For the ladies who saying... "I know who I am and what I want!!" 
Then WHY are you the Most Likely candidate to settle? hmmm...think about it.

In most cases, its the female who is mostly to the sacrifice (career, money, time, your life) for the male and in the process you forget what YOU want and what YOU set out for. In the process of looking for a significant other 


or have your heart look like this pic ^ or carry that cup of bitter juice you so often drink.

Let me reiterate this...



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Love Story: HaVAsu

Had the greatest time to end the summer this year in HaVAsu. 
Most repeated and vulgar saying of the weekend courtesy of Lil Wayne..."...Wake up early in da mornin' EAT that PUSSY like cold pizza..."
hahahahahaha! I love it.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Charlie Bit My Finger...this some BS...

This Mutherfucker bites his brother and they get 370 million views. My brother bit me years ago and all I got were some permanent teeth imprints. GotDamn you Charlie!!!

Why is our Government aggressively buying Gold?

"...The story begins just after the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt on Mar. 4, 1933, in the midst of the Great Depression. Thousands of banks had already gone under as people panicked and withdrew their gold and other deposits. As the gold supply—much of it kept at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—dwindled, the country faced possible insolvency. On Apr. 5, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, which prohibited the hoarding of gold and required citizens to exchange their gold coins for paper currency..."


So I've been wondering for a while now why companies and our government is aggressively buying gold, then I stumbled upon this. Looks like history is repeating itself.

1. Bad Economy.
2.  Holding Withdrawals by the People.
3. Government Prohibitions & Executive Orders.

 I think the executive orders are being cleverly disguised as "Cash For Gold Campaigns..." so the government can have the monopoly on gold again. That's just one man's opinion


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beyonce Pregnant!

I know i'm not the only one thinking this is about to be an ugly ass baby...Plastic surgery @ 6 years old you say?
Jay-z's lips on anyone is scary even on himself.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Vegas Baby!

View from the Trump...

...View of her RUMP... JoJo with those gay ass shorts on that gets all the girls. 

...View of Wet Republic...

...Floor View...

... Night View. 



Lil Wayne: Gangsta, Guns, and a Skateboarding Accident... A Skateboarding Accident? Really?

Oh my, Lil Wayne was in a skateboarding accident this morning.
Is this all the publicity they could fabricate for this dude is a skateboard accident and I thought he was a "Gangsta" least The Game could go to jail for his publicity stunt! 
But i'm still buying the album.


Thursday, August 18, 2011


The Weeknd's new Mixtape..."Thursday" 
Pretty good can't wait to fully take it in, but his voice is amazing. If "Thursday" is anywhere as good as "House of Balloons" then I'm a fan forever.
Download the link whenever his server is back up. smh


The New Apple Store @ the Americana...

So I went the Apple Store which the biggest one in the state where I love my specialist. Especially the one that gave me a new iTouch after I dropped it on the ground and shattered the face earlier today. They're amazing people and it's an amazing atmosphere. Can't wait to go back...I've never been to place where the people were so friendly that DO NOT get paid off commission. 

^The New "Spider Web App" ^

I love the Apple Store
BTW keep your iPhones and iPods out of your LAP while sitting in the car. Its a disaster waiting to happen.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It's amazing how smart, yet, dumb so many women are... 
The epitome of an oxymoron. I don't have a pic for this just stating a mere fact and blowing off some steam from statements of few women I've talked to recently. 
They 're smart women, but definitely let the logical reasoning part of their brain go on vacay when dealing men and relationships...


Friday, August 12, 2011


Look like they had fun in this video and why the hell would I want to buy that Benz? 
It's chopped and Screwed...


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Come one, Come all!
 Liquor, Video and Pawn shop all in one location...who said don't put all your eggs in one basket. Instead put them all in location on the street corner. Talking bout a one stop shop. Pawn your recently stolen goods, buy some beer and rent your favorite Porn-O or Disney Movie. 
Coming to a Corner Near You.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Fall of The Compact Disc...

Walking through the Montebello mall (don't ask) to my surprise I found a F.Y.E. record store. I thought they were extinct. Browsing through the rap section look what I stumbled upon. "Midget Loco". Now I know why they all went out of business and CD's are obsolete.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Look here... Watermelon Fest

Yes I'm black and I might be wrong for this, but look what I found!!!
No the little white kid...
FREE Watermelon!!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Weeknd

The Weeknd

The Weeknd has to be one of the best new comers i've heard in a long time. I really can say i'm a fan and looking forward to hearing more of his music.
My Fav's are "Wicked Games", "What You Want", "The Party and The After Party", and "The Knowing"...

"The Knowing"... Not only would I do something like that, but I would do it out of spite and make sure its an Aunt, Mom, or even better the her Best Friend!
If I was cheated on, just to clarify things. Listen to the song so can understand what i'm talking about.


Concord Jordan 11

The GREATEST shoe to ever grace the hardwood, black top, and any thing else stepped on...Yes I'm in my late 20's and salivating over these shoes like a starving 3rd world kid who hasn't eaten in 2 days  that stumbled into a magazine ad with a seductively delicious burger, fries and drink from a McDonald's.

Yes these shoes mean that much to me. If you could only feel the feeling I feel when I look at these shoes in rotation you'd understand. And if I have to stand in line with a pistol and a sleeping bag, I'm down.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why Apologize?

You are who you are (you), I am who I am (me), we be who we be (we).
Take me as I am because I offer no apology.

See life through my eyes... Take this journey with me.
As i've said before...

"There always a catch to the catch."... So don't get caught.

I'm here to have fun and let me be the first to say at some point and on some post I will offend you.  To that I offer NO apology for my behavior. There's nothing worst than being pseudo contrite for an opinion or feeling you possess. If you're wrong I'm sure you'll learn from your opinion in due time. If not, bask in the blissfulness of your ignorance...
